109-113 High Street, Oxford. 01865 249491
Magister Juris (MJur) Gown.
A black gown of heavy rayon (art. silk) or polyester, trimmed with black Oxford lace around the collar, lower part of the back and down the sleeves. The sleeves are closed and cut straight, but have an opening just above the elbow.
Magister Juris (MJur) Hood.
A mid blue hood of either rayon, heavy rayon (art. silk) or polyester and trimmed with white faux fur. The most popular hood shape is a Dean Burgon shape, which is the larger of the two options and has a double row of faux fur. However, the the Oxford simple shape hood is also an option, but this style hood only has a single row of faux fur. The Oxford simple shape can be made to order, if you are interested please contact enquiries@shepwood.co.uk and we will happily arrange a quote.
The Magister Juris (MJur) gown and hood are worn with either a square cap or a soft cap if preferred.